
Explore the fusion of traditional cartography and digital map visualization.

Let's get started!
Winner of the David Woodward Interactive/Animated Digital Map Award in the 50th Annual CaGIS Map Design Competition.
Honorable Mention for the David Woodward Digital Map Award in the 49th Annual CaGIS Map Design Competition.

Mobile-First Design

Projects here take a "mobile first" approach as more than half of all web traffic goes through mobile devices. This is not to say that large desktop screens are an after thought. On the contrary. Maps benefit tremendously from large screens and with careful planning and coding, both approaches can be met.

An iPad displaying a map

Featured Projects


Sirius T. Bontea

Philosopher, Design Thinker, Artist, Musician, Scientist, and Builder of Things

Project Management, Operations Planning, Process Improvement

General Résumé

Leadership Skills

Servant Leadership, Diplomacy, Negotiation, Public Speaking, Leader Development, Team Building, Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Counseling, Conflict Resolution, Human Resources Management, Employee Training and Development

Business Administration

Process Improvement, Data Analysis and Reporting, CRM platforms (Hubspot, Teamwork, and Odoo), Google Workspace, Office365, Sharepoint Administration, Knowledge Management, Content Creation and Copywriting, Risk Analysis, Risk Mitigation, Occupational Safety

Developer Skills

Front end web development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Leaflet, OpenLayers, Bootstrap, and D3 libraries), Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for web graphics, SQL, Python, Information Assurance, Cyber Security, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for Office365 automation, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD

Geospatial Skills

ArcGIS Pro, ArcPy, QGIS, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Geospatial Databases, JOSM, IWMDT, OpenStreetMaps Volunteer Contributor, Hazard Prediction, Downwind Hazard Analysis
